Quality outdoor furniture is a great investment that can bring years of comfort, beauty and function to your outdoor space. With any wood, metal or cushion outdoor furniture set you can transform your backyard into a peaceful destination. Add a picnic table or fire pit and your backyard becomes a secondary gathering place for the family. When your backyard space is complimented with the right furniture the great outdoors will beckon you time and time again.
With so many options, how do you choose the right outdoor furniture for your backyard space? Here are some tips to consider before purchasing your outdoor furniture.
Invest in Quality: You heard it before, you get what you pay for. A cheap price upfront on outdoor furniture only means you'll be replacing that set in another year or two. Investing a little more upfront means your furniture will last for year and years not just a season or two. Luckily, you can get quality furniture in any material including iron, aluminum, wood and polyurethane. Depending on the mood or design of your space, one of these maybe a better fit over the others.
Wrought Iron is extremely sturdy and durable. Furniture made of this material will fit in just about anywhere and is heavy enough not to blow over or blow away. Wrought iron can be easily painted any color and is usually durable enough to sit out through the winters. You may want to consider adding cushions or pillows to any wrought iron chair to make it a little more comfortable and tables can be accessorized with just about any umbrella or gas fire pit. Overall, wrought iron is an extremely durable choice and aesthetically fit into any outdoor space.
Cast Aluminum is extremely durable. A cast aluminum set can be used in just about any weather environment and will hold up through the test of time. It is a lightweight material that is rust-resistant. That means it can be moved by just about anyone and is particularly good for humid areas or wet climates. Very little maintenance is needed on these sets and usually come in a wide array of designs and colors that can fit into most any space.
Wicker is an extremely popular choice among homeowners. Wicker is a timeless look and will fit in on any porch, deck, gazebo or pergola. Wicker is lightweight and can usually withstand the elements if treated properly. Wicker offers you many design options as it can be used as a stand alone piece or accessorized with pillows, cushions or additional sets. It is a lightweight material allowing the pieces to be easily moved from place to place or to and from storage.
Outdoor woods are a solid and sturdy choice for outdoor furniture and typically range in price from cheap to expensive. To get the most durability out of wood you should look into what type of wood the furniture is made of since it can have a big factor on the durability. Typically outdoor woods like teak, eucalyptus and acacia are best, but wood furniture comes in many variations. Wood furniture can be stained or painted to match any decor which makes it extremely versatile in many locations.

Plastics is a lightweight, low-cost option that comes in many varied styles and colors. Plastic furniture is less durable than wood, wicker, iron and aluminum furniture but does offer some wiggle room on budgets. Plastic furniture can fade in the sun and blow away in the wind. However, rain, cold and heat will never affect its use. If you're looking for plastic then consider a poly or recycled plastics which tend to be highly durable.
Cushions, throws, pillows and umbrellas are all things you can add to the mix and accessorize any of the sets above. These accessories come in all colors, shapes, sized and dimension to fit just about any piece of furniture no matter what type it is. What's best is that you can completely change the look of any space or piece of furniture by adding one of these accessories.